Lost at Sea

metrical  poetry  ]

walk the levels, fear at my feet
guests ate the food i could not eat
and round and round and round we flew
and to my woman and her crew
yet to object, one weary eye
the wandering moon, up in the sky

i looked upon the slimy sea.
the ugly white waves, wild and free
as we stumbled, lost in a trance
caught in whirlwind’s mystic dance,
i tumbled down into the brine
enveloped by ocean’s wine

the waves sighed with soft secrets
my legends in waving seagrasses
the wedding guests now far behind
their voices bubbling within my mind
closing my eyes in ocean’s hue
my eyes gazing beneath the blue

the waves, they beat and beat and beat
my mind itself went to retreat
my salty tears, the ocean’s cries
echoing whispers, questioning why
this navy jail, my silent plea
a ship of dreams to set me free
yet current gripped, unyielding, tight—
it mocking my desperate plight

i sought refuge in depths alone
saw no sunken secrets which shone
a deep cacophonic affair
of all those saying please beware
aquatic ballet, the lead part
a castaway in ocean’s art
further in the depths, where dark weaved
my requiem, ocean conceived

so who was i, lost in this sea
fragment of who i used to be
the water embraced me with cold
my soul’s story barely told
drifting in and out of the deep
surrender to eternal sleep.